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I offer you my thoughts and advice through my travelogues as an experienced Canadian traveler. My travelogues give you the benefit of my actual experiences while traveling, so you are getting real information about a particular location. I accept no promotional offers, so if I recommend and link to a travel service or property, the reader can be assured I paid for the service or stay and genuinely enjoyed myself, or at least think it is worthwhile to consider.

I don’t pretend to be an eco-tourist, so if you are looking for that angle, you won’t find it here. I prefer to travel with a generous level of comfort. This means you won’t find me using any of the local buses, seated amongst the chickens and vegetables – I’ll be the guy in the taxi passing the local bus and taking a photo!

On the other hand, I try to not stay in American style hotels. I have found that I get much more out of the trip by using locally-owned and operated acommodation and travel services. Why travel 10,000 miles to stay in the same hotels we have at home? I may as well save my money and stay at my favourite hotel in Vancouver for a few days!

Over the years, I have found how to travel with the least worry, and how best to enjoy myself while traveling. This is mostly common sense. How much do you pack? What about personal security in exotic locations? Do I get there by air, rail, bus, ship, or on a road trip? After arrival, do I rent a car, hire taxis, or take a tour or transit to see the local sights? What about health and travel insurance, immunizations, staying connected, other personal stuff, and traveling solo? Answers to these and other questions can be found on my Travel Info & Advice pages.

In his book Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain stated: ‘Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime’.

Contact me

Joseph Carr

  • +1 (250) 744-9981 mobile – text, voice & voicemail
  • +1 (250) 294-1992 landline – voice & voicemail
  • joecarr@joetourist.ca
  • Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

3 thoughts on “About

  1. We are that “old couple” from Huntington Beach who discussed travel stories with you at the Mariners dinner on the Volendam. Thank you for sharing your website, which was well written and often gave more information about sites we visited than did the guide. Enjoy your new Tesla and drive to our area in September.
    Best regards to you.

  2. Nice job Joe. Your pictures are so good. Wish we had connected more on board but sure enjoyed your company on the land section of this tour. Do hope your summer is enjoyable. Dan & Jo Ann Wirth

  3. Hi there,

    I came across your site while researching an upcoming trip to Hawaii. I love your articles and photos!
    Happy travels,

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